Life Above and Below the Surface

Photo by Ghost Presenter on

Climate change


  1. a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.


The earth as we know it today, has been a subject to various degrees of climate change throughout all of the 4.5 billion years of it’s existence. Earth’s temperature depends on the balance between energy entering and leaving the planet’s system, and without interference, earth does this mostly in a consistent and controlled way. But in the recent years, us humans have inhibited the natural processes to take place, causing an extreme rise in the global land and ocean surface temperatures by 16,7 degrees Celsius since the early 1880’s.

The climate change and Life below sea. These are in many ways two very similar topics that has continuously grabbed my interest over the last few years. The image of a starving polar bear, or a greyscale coral reef that once shined in multiple colors, is something that by now should be engraved in a lot of people’s minds, because it is in fact so very real. Measures to prevent some of these harmful changes have been taken, but there’s still a long list of additional actions we can take to lend a helping hand

One of them being spreading awareness, and that’s where an online journal like this becomes extremely beneficial.

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